Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Counter Strike is propably one of the most successful games. It was the most played game in 2008 according to GameSpy and as of August 2011, the Counter-Strike franchise has sold over 25 million units. Counter-Strike is a legend for FPS players and I'm sure that they will be happy to hear that a new version is coming out in 2012.
As you know Counter-Strike is a First Person Shooter game that players join either the terrorist team, counter-terrorist team or a spectator. There are two types of game modes. Planting bombs or securing hostiles. In the first mode terrorist team aims at planting a bomb to one of the bomb sides while opposing team is trying to stop them. The second mode is about defending, The terrorist team defends the place while c-terrorists are securing the hostiles. In short, it is a very classic game between the good and bad men. There is no scenario in the game because there is no campaign mode in the game so it is designed for multiplayer game only and I believe that it is one of the reasons Counter-Strike is successful. Multiplaying become popular after this game and all FPS games were doing multiplayer mode in the company of campaign mode. "Call of Duty" by Activision or "Battlefield" by EA Games are examples for that.
Finally I am sure that CS players are all happy about this new because the new version is coming after a long break. They are forced to play Modern Warfare and Bad Company but now the suffering is over!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Violent Video Games

     This is my first post so I want it to be beneficial. I am not going to talk about a new game or something.
 I want to talk about video games and their effects on players ( especially on teens).
     Here is an information from wikipedia that shows the top-selling games for Playstation. As you can see there are many violent  games in the list and we all know that ultra-violent ones are always the top-sellers. From an article of Dr. Phil I learned that there is an avarage of 13 hours of game-playing for boys and 5 hours for girls per week. Think about a child shooting people 13 hours per week. It is normal that the game's reality will take place in child's reality and he is going to consider in-game things as normal. "A recent content analysis by the research organization Children Now shows that a majority of video games include violence and about half of the violent incidents would result in serious injuries or death in the "real" world."
According the American Psychological Association, violent video games can increase children's aggression and another danger is that there are no conseqences in video games because instead of going to jail for doing bad things there are lots of games that you earn points by doing bad things like shooting or stealing. Finally we should care about these facts because we all know children and we shouldn't let them play games which are going to harm them and we should teach them that there is a reason for having age-limits on the games.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Official Gameplay Trailer

Here is trailer of Elder Scrolls V Skyrim for one of my fans : B.Y

                                                          You can find the link here.


          Hi my name is Ekrem and this my blog. I am passionate about games since I had my first tetris. I always loved to playing games. Over my phone, computer, Atari or Playstation. I am going to write about games because there is a lot to write about games and it is a topic that everyone likes.
Video games are very popular because,  unlike the books or movies you control the characaters so a person who is able to play games will do it because when I think of someone who is not playing that because he/she is not able to play them or talented.  The point that they are popular is the reason that there are many web pages and blogs about them and another reason is that game fans are good with the technology so they are also able to follow or find stuff about games from the internet so it makes the blogs always useful and succesful not like a blog about knitting sweaters because knitting and technology are like opposite things. There are popular blogs about games writing reviews, walkthrought or uploading game-play videos. “Thatvideogameblog” and “Gamersplanet”  are popular ones and I also use them. The fact that is going to make my blog different is that I never saw a gamers blog that includes articles about how games effects peoples lives and that articles will be the difference. I am also going to focus on how games effect people so it won’t be a blog with only game reviews.