Thursday, 17 November 2011

Violent Video Games

     This is my first post so I want it to be beneficial. I am not going to talk about a new game or something.
 I want to talk about video games and their effects on players ( especially on teens).
     Here is an information from wikipedia that shows the top-selling games for Playstation. As you can see there are many violent  games in the list and we all know that ultra-violent ones are always the top-sellers. From an article of Dr. Phil I learned that there is an avarage of 13 hours of game-playing for boys and 5 hours for girls per week. Think about a child shooting people 13 hours per week. It is normal that the game's reality will take place in child's reality and he is going to consider in-game things as normal. "A recent content analysis by the research organization Children Now shows that a majority of video games include violence and about half of the violent incidents would result in serious injuries or death in the "real" world."
According the American Psychological Association, violent video games can increase children's aggression and another danger is that there are no conseqences in video games because instead of going to jail for doing bad things there are lots of games that you earn points by doing bad things like shooting or stealing. Finally we should care about these facts because we all know children and we shouldn't let them play games which are going to harm them and we should teach them that there is a reason for having age-limits on the games.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting way to start your blog. I like that you have facts and information from outside experts, but what do you thing about how violent video games affect kids?

    I'm interested in what you think, not just in what you could research. You obviouslly play video games, so you should be able to talk about how you have or have not been affected.
