Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Half Life2/Lost Coast version

This version is actually made for give information about game making. I didnt know about it until I downlad it. There are link-like things in the game and when you activate them, people who are working in Valve, who made Half Life series talk and give you information about how they did the game but thats not the only thing because there is also a scenerio in the game.
Our character, Gordon Freeman finds himself near a beach,underneath a monastery, in a small town called St. Olga. A fisherman recognizes Gordon and directs him to the monastery, which the enemy Combine are using as a platform to launch artillery
 shells filled with headcrabs into the town. The fisherman opens a gate, allowing the player to proceed, and awaits Gordon's return.

As Gordon proceeds up the cliffside to the monastery, he encounters heavy resistance 

from Combine soldiers who rappel down the cliff to try to stop him. Gordon fights his way up, 
enters the monastery's sanctuary, and disables the artillery launcher. This alerts nearby soldiers, who assault the sanctuary in force, while a Combine attack helicopter arrives to support the soldiers.
 After defeating the soldiers in the courtyard, Gordon moves to scaffolding over the side of the cliff and destroys the helicopter withRPGs. The helicopter crashes into the scaffolding, freeing up a path to a crude
 elevator which lowers Gordon back down to the pier. The fisherman congratulates Freeman on his success, invites him to a feast in St. Olga,and the screen fades out. 

Call of Duty: Black OPS

Today’s big announcement came in the form of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. With these announcements usually come large amounts of information and the same holds true with this title.
Mark Lamia said:

“There’s over 250 people at Treyarch, but there’s over 300 people working on the project,”
“We do have contractors and test teams that aren’t part of the company. Those others aren’t actually employees of Treyarch. But there’s over 300 people working on the game right now.”
Lamia also spoke about Activision and the Black ops ' release date:
“We actually do open up anything from our side that they can have access to, but they have their own team with their own creative work,” Lamia said of Activision’s internal studios.
“Whether it’s inside of the Call of Duty franchise or, frankly, some other area of essential technology or whatever other area – if there are things that teams can access or leverage, then they do."
“For example, the facial rig and the performance capture was something that we worked with Activision’s central technology team on quite a bit. There’s a lot of learnings there that can be applied to other teams.”

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is slated for a November 13th, 2012 release.

Sniper Elite V2

Sniper Elite s standout feature is the slow motion, x-ray kill shots.When you’re not trotting around in third-person, you’re staring down your scope.  Holding your breath are all part of the game’s entertaining attention to detail. If that level of realism isn’t appealing, you can adjust the settings if you prefer the bullet to land in the middle of your crosshairs each time. My main complaint with sniping is the rare occasion when your bullet is deflected by an invisible barrier. Tech issues like this aren’t good.Sniper Elite V2 allows you to be the gunman you want to be, whether that means crawling on your belly and silently taking down guards . Enemy line of sight is wildly inconsistent. Too many attempts to be stealthy were shattered by eagle-eyed enemy soldiers. My heart broke when I realized all the time I spent scanning empty windows for enemy snipers was a waste the game seems to mainly spawn in enemy marksmen after you’re discovered.

Call of Duty

Rezurraction is the fourth entry into Call of Duty's long line of DLC map packs and is most likely the last one before Activision's next most talked about first-person shooter. Rezurrection revives four old Zombie maps from World at War, pits you against legions of undead in an all-new Zombie map called Moon.
 For multiplayer players, the updated old maps probably won't be as titillating as the new Zombie map is for Zombie devotees.Moon transplants the tried-and-true Zombie formula onto a space station on the moon. Those myths about life not existing on the moon are only half true; undead exist on the moon. Lots and lots of undead.
 The low gravity, the lack of oxygen, new enemies and an elaborate.