Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Half Life2/Lost Coast version

This version is actually made for give information about game making. I didnt know about it until I downlad it. There are link-like things in the game and when you activate them, people who are working in Valve, who made Half Life series talk and give you information about how they did the game but thats not the only thing because there is also a scenerio in the game.
Our character, Gordon Freeman finds himself near a beach,underneath a monastery, in a small town called St. Olga. A fisherman recognizes Gordon and directs him to the monastery, which the enemy Combine are using as a platform to launch artillery
 shells filled with headcrabs into the town. The fisherman opens a gate, allowing the player to proceed, and awaits Gordon's return.

As Gordon proceeds up the cliffside to the monastery, he encounters heavy resistance 

from Combine soldiers who rappel down the cliff to try to stop him. Gordon fights his way up, 
enters the monastery's sanctuary, and disables the artillery launcher. This alerts nearby soldiers, who assault the sanctuary in force, while a Combine attack helicopter arrives to support the soldiers.
 After defeating the soldiers in the courtyard, Gordon moves to scaffolding over the side of the cliff and destroys the helicopter withRPGs. The helicopter crashes into the scaffolding, freeing up a path to a crude
 elevator which lowers Gordon back down to the pier. The fisherman congratulates Freeman on his success, invites him to a feast in St. Olga,and the screen fades out. 

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